Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The New Cold War?

With all the stink about the curious state of Russian foreign and domestic affairs, I found the following article from the BBC to be extremely helpful in putting things in to perspective.

It goes without saying that this is a particularly interesting time to be returning to Russia. I find myself wondering how much I will involve myself in local issues. My job will obviously preclude me from participating in certain activities, but it will no doubt open doors for some truly unique opportunities.

It should be a lot of fun.


Jessica Carbine said...

Wow Jermy, I never thought your blog would be so interesting! (heh, just kidding.)But really, I'm quite impressed! And I feel like I've missed out on a lot of good stuff! I'll see you soon to get that special photo viewing you promised!

Recession Cone said...

Hi Jeremy -
I stumbled across your blog & just wanted to say hi. Looks like you're having a great time traveling across the planet. I'm jealous. =)